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Bohuslav Větrovský

Konsultant medycyny naturalnej, członek zarządu NATURAMEDICIN SE, twórca naturalnych suplementów diety Tree of Life i autor artykułów na blogu NATURAMEDICIN.

Natural food supplement

Bohuslav Větrovský, healer and mystic, natural medicine consultant, developed NATURAMEDICIN natural food supplements. He did so in order to use thirty years of experience in herbalism, natural healing and mysticism to create a product that could be used by people all over the world.

During his healing career, he came to the conclusion that the various diseases that people face are triggered by a confluence of factors that results in apoptosis, programmed cell death, and specifically, insufficient or excessive apoptosis.

He thus transformed his knowledge in the field of natural medicine into the Tree of Life dietary supplements, which (among other things) have the task of causing the balance of apoptosis in the body and thus helping a person on his way to long-term health.

You can read about how Bohuslav Větrovský came to study natural medicine here: About Bohuslav Větrovský


In addition to developing the natural food supplements Tree of Life, he also founded Club NATURAMEDICIN - a free, non-binding association of people who use our food supplements to improve their health and that of their loved ones.

In addition, Club NATURAMEDICIN is also a physical place in Prague where Club members meet and organize interesting seminars and other cultural and social events.

You can read more about Club NATURAMEDICIN here: Why be a member of Club NATURAMEDICIN?

More links

Interview for a magazine Zdraví a péče o tělo i duši with Bohuslav Větrovský

Interview for EPOCHÁLNÍSVĚT.CZ with Bohuslav Větrovský

Natural medicine consultation

Foto: Miroslav Kučera
"Spojrzałem w twarz diabła, ale zobaczyłem też Boga. I to daje mi siłę, by iść naprzód. Pokornie dziękuję w duchu za całe zło, którego doświadczyłem. Rozumiem, jak bardzo posunęło mnie to do przodu. Zrozumiałem to, co zawsze czułem gdzieś w środku - że moim prawdziwym powołaniem jest pomaganie ludziom poprzez moje umiejętności" - mówi.
~ Bohuslav Větrovský

Artykuły autora

Wywiad dla magazynu Zdraví a péče o tělo i duši z Bohuslavem Větrovským

Wywiad z założycielem NATURAMEDICIN SE, Bohuslavem Větrovským na łamach magazynu Zdraví a péče o tělo…
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Mechanizm działania apoptozy

The article discusses the process of apoptosis, which can also be known as cell death.
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Dwa słowa o homeostazie

Regeneration and getting rid of health problems is, according to some claims, pre-programmed in our…
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Wywiad dla portalu EPOCHÁLNÍSVĚT.CZ z Bohuslavem Větrovským

Wywiad z założycielem NATURAMEDICIN SE w „Spojrzałem diabłu w oczu, poznałem Boga”, mówi Bohuslav…
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Wpływ środowiska na organizm człowieka

Humans are closely connected to the environment in which they live. The environment affects them…
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Bioaktywne suplementy diety

What does the phrase "biologically active dietary supplements" mean? This article will explain everything.
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Wzmocnij swoją odporność naturalnymi sposobami

Everyone should try to strengthen their immunity. We have various tips on how to boost…
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