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Parasites in our body - how to deal with them | NATURAMEDICIN

Event date: 27/03/2025 
Time: 17:00
Venue: Club NATURAMEDICIN, Kurta Konráda 8, 190 00 Praha 9

Dear friends,

We would like to cordially invite you to a very interesting and informative seminar on "Parasites in our body and how to get rid of them". This seminar offers a unique opportunity to learn more about how parasites affect our health, how they can be effectively diagnosed and how to keep the body in balance.

Why attend this seminar?

✔️ You will learn what types of parasites can live in our bodies and how they get there.
✔️ You will learn how to recognize the signs of parasites - from fatigue and skin problems to digestive problems and other discomforts.
✔️ Learn about natural methods to eliminate parasites while boosting your immune system.
✔️ Learn about deep body detox and preventing re-infection.
✔️ You will meet experts on the subject and can ask them questions.

What's on the agenda?


  • What are parasites and why are they still a significant health problem?
  • Important information about their impact on the human body.

Expert lectures:

  • Diagnosis of parasites: How to detect their presence?
  • How to detect parasites.

Practical advice and tips:

  • Natural products, herbs and dietary supplements that help eliminate parasites (e.g. INETHAN or EQINIL).

Discussion & questions from the audience:

  • Space for your questions and sharing of experiences.

Inspiration for change:

  • How to modify your lifestyle to minimize the risk of health complications due to the presence of parasites.

Who is the seminar for?

  • For anyone who is interested in their health.
  • For those who suffer from unexplained fatigue, allergies, digestive problems or weakened immunity.
  • For parents concerned about their children's health.
  • For those who want to try the natural way of detoxification.

Come learn more about how to strengthen your health and protect your body from the unpleasant consequences caused by parasites. We look forward to seeing you!



Please register for the seminar. Thank you
CZ event form

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