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School of Mysticism


School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology 22.3.-23.3.2025 | NATURAMEDICIN

We invite you on a unique journey of discovery that combines history, western medicine, spirituality, esotericism, psychology and natural healing. The SCHOOL OF MYSTICS is your guide to a deeper understanding of the world, to an improved quality of life and to your personal development. Under the guidance of mystic Bohuslav Vetrovsky, eminent historians, experienced doctors and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, psychologists and psychiatrists, you will delve into fascinating topics that will help you find harmony physically, mentally and spiritually. What's in store for you? A series of engaging weekend lectures, interactive seminars where you will gain not only theoretical knowledge but also skills that you can use immediately in your daily life. Inspiring encounters with people who share similar interests and a thirst for knowledge. A chance to delve into the mysteries of mysticism and find answers to questions that have long intrigued you. For whom is the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS ideal? For all who seek harmony and meaning in life. For those who want to delve deeper into the mysteries of history, spirituality and natural medicine. For anyone who wants to discover new perspectives on their life journey and improve their health and mental state. Join us and be inspired on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. Change begins where there is a desire to learn. Your journey can begin right here. Open the door to your inner world - we will show you the way. Cycle III Programme / 22.3.-23.3 2025 Download the program to your mobile phone Follow the EVENTS CALENDAR on our website, where we will regularly inform you about the planned events of Club NATURAMEDICIN and the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY. The price of the two-day seminar includes: Club NATURAMEDICIN / Senior MEMBER, discounted special price 2 900,- CZK. Price for the public 3 900,- CZK Price includes: two-day cycle of lectures, according to the announced program coffee breaks - water, coffee, tea, sweet pastries and baguettes, fruit during both days buffet dinner on Saturday / starters, salads, soup, meat dish, fish dish, vegetarian dish, side dishes, desserts / buffet lunch on Sunday note pads, stationery Lunch on Saturday, accommodation and parking are at everyone's own expense. Possibility of accommodation directly in OREA Hotel Pyramida Prague. Lunch can be purchased, also in a local restaurant or in the surrounding area. REGISTRATION Please register by March 17, 2025, using the registration form/ limited number of places. We look forward to seeing you regularly at upcoming events of the SCHOOLS of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology. We believe it will be an enriching and inspiring experience. Kind regards, Club NATURAMEDICIN team #skolamystics Members of Club NATURAMEDICIN - Senior MEMBER/ discounted price 2900,- CZK / registration and payment HERE Price for public 3 900,- CZK / registration and payment in the form below:
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26. 01. 2025
 - 26.01.2025
Hotel Carol, Kurta Konráda 12,  Praha 9

School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology - II.cycle | NATURAMEDICIN

The second cycle of lectures of the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, natural medicine, medicine and psychology, organized by NATURAMEDICIN SE, took place from 25.1. - 26.1.2025 in the Carol Hotel in Prague. Spiritual development, alternative medicine and psychology, these topics attracted even more interested people and the 2nd cycle was again a success. Saturday 25.1.2025 The program of the first day was unexpectedly opened with a lecture by Bohuslav Vetrovsky. His lecture on Chakras and energy envelopes of bodies, captivated the audience even though it was not on the program. The afternoon program started with an inspiring lecture on Light Therapy, given by experts Rymes Aleš and Hana Hill. Both lecturers shared their rich experience and deep knowledge about the influence of light on human health and psyche. Participants learned about various methods and technologies of light therapy, their benefits for regeneration of the body, strengthening immunity and improving mood. The lecture was complemented by practical demonstrations and an opportunity for discussion, during which participants could ask questions. The event was met with great interest and was a great source of new knowledge for all those who want to actively take care of their health. There was also great interest in the live blood drop diagnostics, which was an unexpected bonus presented by Mr. Ales Rymes. The blood drop analysis was a great success with all present. We were very pleased to welcome again MUDr. Jiří Bartos, a renowned psychiatrist and expert in his field, who prepared for us an inspiring lecture on the topic of Psyche from the perspective of a psychiatrist. During the meeting we learned a lot of interesting information about how the human psyche works, how it can be affected by external and internal influences and how we can take care of our own mental health. At the same time, MUDr. Bartos answered many questions from the attendees and offered valuable advice on how to manage stress, anxiety or crisis situations. The lecture was very beneficial and inspiring and we look forward to meeting this excellent expert again. Karl Weinfurter' s lecture on The Fiery Bush was an inspiring immersion into one of the world's most seminal works of mysticism. Under the guidance of renowned mystic and healer Bohuslav Vetrovsky, we had the opportunity to better understand the profound spiritual ideas and practices that this work conveys. The lecturer guided us through challenging but enriching topics such as the path of self-discovery, working with inner energy and the importance of meditation. Participants were able to discuss their own experiences and receive practical advice for their personal spiritual development. The atmosphere of the meeting was filled with humility, determination and a desire to further deepen knowledge. The theme of the evening was not only educational but also transformational. The first day of our seminar ended with a dinner together and a chat with the Guest of the evening - MUDr. Bartos Jiri, on the topic - The latest findings of brain research in the field of psychiatry. Guest of Honour of the second cycle of the School of Mysticism Sueneé, by his own name Jan Sueneé Marek, founded Sueneé Universe, a news server focused on extraterrestrial life forms. He is a YouTuber, transformational drummer and creator of the International Conference on Exopolitics, History and Spirituality. Since high school, he has been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the world between heaven and earth, which led him to the topic of extraterrestrial civilizations. He seeks to share his passion with others, and has therefore founded the YouTube channel and news site Sueneé Universe. He has also translated Steven Greer's book ETs, which became a worldwide bestseller. Together with Bohuslav Vetrovsky, they recorded two podcasts, which you can watch on YouTube: Forgotten History of Magic, Mysticism, Parapsychology Hidden Mysticism, TARTARIE. Blavatska, Rerich, Weinfurter A third topic is being prepared - On the life of St. Vojtěch, which you can watch on youtube 6.3.2025 at 19:00 Sunday 26.1.2025 On Sunday, Bohuslav Vetrovsky held a full-day lecture series. The first lecture topic was nanotechnology under the title "Mystery and Mysteries" focused on hidden and little-known phenomena that have accompanied mankind throughout history. Bohuslav Větrovský presented not only legends but also real cases and possible explanations of various mysteries, which aroused a lively discussion among the audience. The second topic focused on a less traditional area - "ThePansphysics of the Hermetic Brotherhood of the Rose and the Cross." The lecture introduced the philosophical and spiritual ideas of this esoteric movement, whose roots go back to the Renaissance. Mr. Vetrovsky discussed the historical context, symbolism and significance of Hermeticism in modern times. Participants were able to take away a new perspective on the connection between science, philosophy and spirituality. Both lectures attracted a wide range of listeners and provoked a lively discussion that continued after the official part of the program. Mr. Větrovský once again demonstrated his expertise and ability to present even complex topics in an engaging manner. If you would like more information about other upcoming dates and topics, please register Keep an eye on the EVENTS CALENDAR on our website, where we will regularly inform you about the planned events of Club NATURAMEDICIN and the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY. We look forward to more meetings together, not only at the School of Mysticism, Club NATURAMEDICIN team #skolamystics
Více informací
25. 01. 2025
 - 26.01.2025
Hotel Carol, Kurta Konráda 12,  Praha 9

School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology 25.1.-26.1.2025 | NATURAMEDICIN

  The SCHOOL OF MYSTICISM focuses on topics from the fields of history, western medicine, spirituality, esotericism, psychology, naturopathy and medicine. The aim is to give participants a deeper insight into these areas and to help them on their journey of personal development and self-discovery. The programme includes a series of weekend lectures, seminars and workshops led by the mystic Bohuslav Vetrovsky , eminent historians, doctors and experienced TCM lecturers. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to improve the quality of their lives physically, mentally and spiritually. Follow the CALENDAR OF EVENTS on our website, where we will regularly inform you about the planned events of Club NATURAMEDICIN and the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY.   Programme of the 2nd cycle The price of the two-day seminar includes: Members of Club NATURAMEDICIN / Senior MEMBER, discounted special price 2 900,- CZK. Price for public 3 900,- CZK Price includes: two-day lecture series, according to the announced programme refreshments - water, coffee, tea and fruit during both days Saturday evening buffet / for our Club members already known specialties from a local Israeli restaurant / notepads, stationery study materials Lunches and accommodation are at each person's own expense. Possibility of accommodation directly in Hotel Carol. Lunch can be purchased, also in a local restaurant or in the surrounding area. The Galerie Harp shopping centre is nearby.   REGISTRACE Please register by January 23, 2025, using the registration form/ limited number of places. We look forward to meeting you regularly at upcoming events of the SCHOOLS of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology. We believe it will be an enriching and inspiring experience. Kind regards, Club NATURAMEDICIN team
Více informací
23. 11. 2024
 - 24.11.2024
Hotel Carol, Kurta Konráda 12,  Praha 9

School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology - I.cycle | NATURAMEDICIN

The first cycle of lectures of the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, natural medicine, medicine and psychology organized by NATURAMEDICIN, held from 23.11. - 24.11.2024 in the Carol Hotel in Prague, was an extremely successful event that attracted many people interested in spiritual development, alternative medicine and psychology. The program of the first day started with a lecture by Bohuslav Vetrovsky. His lecture on the energies around us, their forms and their use at a distance, captivated all present with its profound content and practical instructions. Kaya Pavliček, Czech fashion stylist, and the topic of the influence of clothing on health and psychological well-being, opened new perspectives on this often neglected topic. The afternoon program continued with an engaging presentation by Jiří Bartos, MD, a psychiatrist who focused on the mysteries of the human psyche. His insight into the complexities of the human mind was extraordinary and brought many valuable insights. The evening was enriched not only with a delicious buffet, but also an inspiring discussion in the popular"Armchair Guest" format. This included an engaging topic focusing on Czech history, St. Ludmila, St. Wenceslas and the national revival. The evening's guests included exceptional personalities such as Nekovář Frank, Avi Ben Perez from Israel and Jaroslav Kohák, whose contributions provided not only interesting information but also a space for reflection on our past and cultural identity. Bohuslav Větrovský opened the second day with a lecture on telepathy, premonitions and clairvoyance. His ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills addressed and inspired all present. After lunch, the mysterious topic of tarot came up and Bohuslav Vetrovský addressed it. The participants took away not only new knowledge but also a deeper understanding of this ancient tool for personal and spiritual development. At the end of the series, a discussion was held, which created a space for questions and sharing of impressions from both days. The atmosphere among the participants was very friendly and full of inspiration. --- Overall, the 1st cycle of the SCHOOLS OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY was evaluated as extremely successful. All of the speakers contributed their expertise and passion for the topics, creating a unique experience. In particular, Bohuslav Vetrovsky confirmed his role as a respected personality in the field of spiritual development and alternative medicine with his stimulating lectures and leadership of the entire project. For information and dates for the next cycles, please follow the CALENDAR OF EVENTS on our website.
Více informací
23. 11. 2024
 - 24.11.2024
Hotel Carol, Kurta Konráda 12,  Praha 9

School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology 23.11. - 24.11. 2024 | NATURAMEDICIN

The SCHOOL will focus on topics in history, western medicine, spirituality, esotericism, psychology, natural medicine and medicine. The aim is to provide participants with deeper insight into these areas and to help them on their journey of personal development and self-discovery. The program will include a series of weekend lectures, seminars and workshops led by mystic Bohuslav Vetrovsky , eminent historians, physicians and experienced TCM lecturers. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that they will be able to use to improve the quality of their lives physically, mentally and spiritually. In 2024, two weekend cycles of SCHOOLS of mysticism, natural medicine, medicine and psychology will be held. Follow the EVENTS CALENDAR on our website, where we will regularly inform you about the planned events of Club NATURAMEDICIN and the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY. . First cycle of lectures 23.11.-24.11.2024 Venue. PROGRAMME SATURDAY 23.11.2024 09:30 - 10:00 Presentation of participants 10:00 - 10:30 Bohuslav Větrovský / Introduction to the School of Mysticism 10:30 - 12:00 Bohuslav Větrovský / Energy around us, how to use energy at a distance. Forms of energy. 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 Kaya Pavlicek / Influence of clothes on our health and psychological well-being 14:30 - 15:30 MUDr. Čápová Gertruda / General Medicine / Preventive Medicine 15:30 - 15:45 Break 15:45 - 18:00 MUDr. Bartoš Jiří, Psychiatrist / Mysteries of the human psyche 18.00 - 19.30 Evening banquet 19.30 - 21.00 Guest Chair / Nekovář Frank - guest of the evening Topic - St. Ludmila, the book "The Legend of St. Ludmila", St. Wenceslas /History ofthe Czech Lands, National Revival. Speaker: Guests of the evening - Nekovář Frank, Avi Ben Perez/Israel, Kohák Jaroslav SUNDAY 24.11.2024 9:30 - 11:30 Větrovský Bohuslav / Telepathy, Premonition, Clairvoyance 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch 12:30 - 14:30 Bohuslav Větrovský / Tarot 14:30 Discussion, conclusion of the mystic school Registration and price SCHOOL OF MYSTICISM, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY - members of Club NATURAMEDICIN / SENIOR MEMBER, have a discounted special price of 2 500,- CZK Price for the public 3 500,- CZK Price includes: two-day cycle of lectures, according to the announced program refreshments - water, coffee, tea and fruit during both days Saturday evening buffet / for our Club members already known specialties from a local Israeli restaurant / notepads, stationery study materials Lunches and accommodation are at everyone's own expense. Possibility to stay directly at Hotel Carol. Lunch can be purchased, also at a local restaurant or in the surrounding area. The Galerie Harp shopping centre is located nearby. Please register by November 20, 2024, using the registration form. We look forward to seeing you regularly at upcoming events of the SCHOOLS of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology. We believe it will be an enriching and inspiring experience. Kind regards, Club NATURAMEDICIN team Dates of the following cycles: 25.1.-26.1.2025 22.3.- 23.3.2025 24.5.-25.5.2025
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