INYANGA is a natural dietary supplement designed to help induce mental balance and maintain a positive mood. This unique product from the Tree of Life range focuses on supporting mental health and overall harmonisation of the mind.
INYANGA is an ideal tool for coping with the daily demands of modern life, where we are exposed to constant stress, anxiety and negative influences from our environment. Thanks to its natural composition, it helps to strengthen the body's resistance to these external influences, thus protecting our mind from challenging situations.
The carefully selected natural ingredients in INYANGA have been combined to work together for maximum effectiveness. This dietary supplement supports the nervous system, reduces mental tension and contributes to overall mental well-being. Regular use of INYANGA will help you to find a balance between body and mind, to cope with stressful situations more easily and to maintain a positive attitude to life in the long term.
As such, INYANGA is not only a natural solution for people struggling with excessive stress, but also a great choice for those who want to effectively support their overall mental health and improve their mental state with the gifts of nature.
Start taking INYANGA and enjoy the feeling of a calm and balanced body and mind!
contains 6 high quality extracts and medicinal herbs, used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda. Find out what beneficial effects each of them will bring you
I have used Inyanga and I can only recommend it. It has helped me to calm down internally and thus better withstand daily stress.
INYANGA is the fifth and final dietary supplement of the "TREE OF LIFE" series. INYANGA is a natural, biologically active, dietary supplement for calming the psyche. It contains 6 high quality extracts and medicinal herbs, used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda.
"INYANGA" in the Zulu tribe language means "magician, Spirit and wind".
From the natural elements it belongs to the SPIRIT, from the elements to the ruler of all the elements, and that is the energy Chi, and from the senses to INTUITION, from the factors to CREATION.
ELEMENTAL FORCES are the basic building blocks of the world around us. These include FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER. These elements are universal, and their balance is crucial for harmonious coexistence with nature. Fire symbolizes energy and transformation, Earth is stability and nourishment, Metal is structure and precision, and Water is flexibility and purification.
Our SENSES – SIGHT, SMELL, TOUCH, TASTE, and HEARING – accompany us from birth, allowing us to perceive the world around us. They are tools through which we learn as we grow and shape our personalities. The senses not only help us to survive, but also enrich our lives with countless experiences and sensations.
FACTORS that currently have a significant effect on our health are DIET, MENTAL STATE, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY, and GENETICS. These factors are key to maintaining balance in our body and mind. The right combination of these factors can lead to better health and greater resistance to external influences.
ELEMENTS – according to Chinese medicine, these include WOOD, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, and METAL. These elements represent cyclical processes and
interactions that affect our physical and mental well-being. Each of these elements has its own specific properties that contribute to the overall harmony of body and mind.
We have named this system of four directions the “TREE OF LIFE”. It’s a concept that integrates ancient wisdom with modern knowledge and offers a holistic approach to understanding and enhancing our health. As people begin to settle on Mars and other planets, new influences affecting human health will be defined. The TREE OF LIFE provides a framework for facing and overcoming these challenges. We believe that understanding and integrating these four directions into our daily lives can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the achievement of lasting balance and vitality.