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6 food supplements that will regenerate your body and bring energy and well-being back into your life.

About the Tree of life

Our mission

NATURAMEDICIN SE is an international company based in the Czech Republic. Our mission is to improve the lives of all people on this planet.
We produce food supplements that are created on the basis of our own recipes and many years of experience with herbs from all over the world.
The products of the "Tree of Life" series are made from the best available raw materials and are put together with the needs of each of us in mind.
We work with independent distributors all over the world who join together in Club NATURAMEDICIN.
We will help you achieve long-term change in your life and enable you to achieve your goals through the Club NATURAMEDICIN.

Immune system

Mankind has evolved over millions of years. It adapted to the surrounding influences that affected the human body by creating a defensive wall that fights foreign elements. This defensive wall is our immune system.

Tree of Life products are composed of such herbs so that they quickly and purposefully help boost immune system.

Regeneration of the organism

To keep our immune system in best possible condition, we must strengthen it with quality diet, self care, exercise, relaxation and meditation.

Our food supplements contain high quality ingredients that will help you boost you in boosting your immune system and in regenerating your organism.

Natural supplements

When compiling the herbal formulas for our products, we decided that we would base our recipe on the four directions of perception of nature that shape us and affect us in the cycles of our being, revival and destruction.

The four basic spiritual directions and principles - the natural elements, the senses, the factors and the elements - form the main idea behind the recipe of the Tree of Life food supplements.

Adaptogenic herbs

Our herbal products contain adaptogenic plants and fungi that have already been known in traditional Chinese medicine or Indian Ayurveda.

Adaptogens slow down the aging of the body, have an antioxidant effect, support biosynthesis and they improve the condition of the hormonal system.

The products of the TREE OF LIFE series are based on the opposite principles of Homeostasis and Apoptosis.


The meaning of the word homeostasis means the automatic maintenance of the value of a quantity at approximately the same value. Living organisms have the ability to maintain a stable internal environment, which is a necessary condition for their functioning and existence, even when external conditions change. Which is very important. Here, it is clear how adaptogenic plants and fungi in our food supplements can significantly help to regenerate the body. The important fact is that we have compiled recipes for our food supplements in order to help eliminate unnecessary or damaged cells in the body. This is a programmed cell death called apoptosis.

In many cases, apoptosis can be seen as a positive process that the human body reaches during its development. Damaged cells, for example, die apoptotically, either because of the cell itself deciding to die, or through the cells of the immune system. Impaired apoptosis can cause a relatively wide range of diseases in humans. For example, if cells divide faster than they die, the tissue proliferates excessively and tumors form.

About homeostasis

Excessive apoptosis

Excessive apoptosis is associated with diseases such as AIDS, aplastic anemia, various degenerative neurological disorders (Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease), type I diabetes mellitus, Hashimoto's goiter, chronic neutropenia, ischemia, lupus erythematosus, myelodysplastic syndrome, some liver failure, spinal muscular atrophy, ulcerative colitis, a wide range of various developmental defects or Wilson's disease.

Insufficient apoptosis

Insufficient apoptosis essentially means that tumors or autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may develop. It is a key factor in the following diseases, for example: autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (Canale-Smith syndrome), type I diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease, hypereosinophilic syndrome, Hashimoto's goiter, leukemia, lupus erythematosus, various lymphomas, osteoporosis, some solid tumors and neoplasias and also developmental defects.

About apoptosis

Premium natural food supplements

Tree of Life is a product line containing 6 food supplements - INETHAN, EQINIL, SHAYA, DELWEX, FUBAMEX, INYANGA - where each individual product is sold as a package of 180 capsules, designed for 3 months of use.


Poprvé jsem se setkala s produkty společnosti NATURAMEDICIN SE na přednášce pana Větrovského o přírodní medicíně. Produkty mě zaujaly svým složením a působením na lidský organismus ve smyslu zdraví. Z pohledu mé práce a jako lékařka kosmetoložka mě celý život zajímá Ajurvéda, Fytoterapie, Aromaterapie a všechny alternativní metody, nebo způsoby, které mohou ženě významným způsobem zvládnout přechod a nadále být aktivní, krásná, mladá, plná života a energie. Tyto výrobky všem mým požadavkům odpovídají. Beru je a jsem velice spokojená a z celého srdce bych je doporučila každému, kdo se zajímá o vlastní zdraví a život.
MUDr. Olga Fedorova
Děkuji NATURAMEDICIN! Mně se děje zázrak, po 20 letech léčby na imunologii jsem konečně neposlouchala od doktorky/imunoložky žádné další nové diagnózy, ale naopak. Všechny mé alergie "zmizely", DĚKUJI!!! Měla jsem těžkou alergii na trávy, pyly, roztoči, kočky, potravinové alergie, každou chvíli na pohotovosti, hrozící astma, atp. Zkusila jsem NATURAMEDICIN, jako další z mých „pokusů“. Zaujalo mě, že jde o čistý bylinný produkt, který můžu brát i vedle léků. Užívala jsem Inethan, pak Eqinil, nyní objednávám Shayu. Už Inethan mi pomohl k lepšímu zdraví, v té době jsem byla na imunolodii na testech, teď beru Equinil, DĚKUJI! Budu pokračovat s celou řadou. Jelikož jsem sledována u lékařky, sama jsem zvědavá na další kontroly a výsledky. Budeme moci dát zpětnou vazbu za pár měsíců. Přeji spoustu spokojených zákazníků. Léky už díky vám neberu.
Tatiana L., Bratislava, Slovakia
Proč EQINIL a NATURAMEDICIN? Rodina, práce, koníčky. Zdraví neřešíš do té doby, než se dozvíš diagnózu zhoubný nádor a stáváš se onkologickým pacientem. Šok – slabé slovo! Převrátí se ti život na ruby a začínáš domýšlet důsledky. Pomýšlíš na smrt, a přitom jsi si chtěl ještě užít! Nikoho z toho nemůžeš vinit! Naše zdravotnictví je na světové úrovni, ale léčí následky, ne příčiny. Jsem rád, že jsem již v rukou lékařů – odborníků. Co je ale příčinou mé zákeřné choroby? Ptáš se, čteš odborné knížky, každý ti poradí. Doporučené kombinace některých doplňků stravy jdou už proti sobě. Máš z toho „guláš“. Zjišťuješ, že tvoje tělo je chemická továrna, která přijímá, procesuje a vylučuje „chemické“ sloučeniny, myslím tím stravu. Když něco nefunguje správně, tak tvoje tělo nevylučuje škodliviny a ukládá je. A tak, zjednodušeně řečeno, vznikají nádory. Jeden zhoubný právě mám. Šťastná okolnost mi dopřála potkat pana Větrovského, a především jeho doporučení mi vyřešili můj problém, tj. určit a odstranit příčiny mé nemoci. Po našich konzultacích jsem našel klid v duši a naději na uzdravení. Uvědomil jsem si, že přírodní látky – směsi bylinek, se používaly už od pradávna a utvrdila mě v tom i návštěva bylinkové zahrady hospitálu Kuks. Začal jsem ihned s Eqinilem na posílení imunity a současně Delwex pro regeneraci „mužských“ záležitostí. Cítím se dobře, a věřím, že to dobře dopadne! Postupně najedu na Strom života! A dám vám vědět, jak jsem dopadl! 😊
KM, Prague, Czech Republic
Ve své praxi se již řadu let setkávám s nabídkami různých druhů doplňků výživy. Všechny se liší svými vlastnostmi a účelem použití. Seznam je obrovský. Ale poprvé jsem se setkal nejen s dobře vybranými a vyráběnými doplňky výživy, ale se Systémem. Chytrým, logickým, hlubokým systémem. Takovým, kde každý následující produkt pokračuje a zlepšuje proces zahájený předchozím produktem. Nejedná se o soubor kouzelných receptů na řešení konkrétních problémů. Toto je systém přírody, který podporuje systém člověka. O kvalitě zpracování a promyšlenosti doporučeného použití moc mluvit nebudu. To je skutečně „Rolls Royce“ dnešních doplňků výživy. Moje rodina a já používáme tyto produkty s radostí.
MUDr. Dmitrij Fedorov
I started taking dietary supplements from NATURMEDICIN three months ago. It was preceded by my meeting with Mr. Bohuslav Vetrovsky again after a very long time. He invited me to his lecture on natural medicine and the introduction of STROM OF LIFE products. For me it was a few wonderful hours spent among enthusiastic people. I was intrigued by the composition of all the products, which have a very good effect on the human body. I have long had chronic asthma, a severe allergy to pollens, grasses and wormwood. Mr. Vetrovsky helped me to understand that besides the use of medicines, the use of properly formulated herbal products can also improve my health. I started using Equinil and Shaya. After only a month of use, my overall health improved, especially I felt new energy. At my last visit to the allergist, my results were better than the last years. A month ago, I added Fubamex to my weight management. Already now I feel better, the weight is slowly decreasing, of course I exercise and have adjusted my diet a little. I recommend all STROM LIFE products to everyone who wants to be healthy, wants to feel good and happy.
JT, Žamberk

Bohuslav Větrovský

Expert consultant in natural medicine and member of the board of directors

Our food supplements were developed on the basis of a recipe by Bohuslav Větrovský.

Bohuslav Větrovský turned his knowledge and experience in the field of natural medicine, herbalism and other techniques into quality food supplements that respect all directions of faith and at the same time scientific discoveries.



School of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology 23.11. - 24.11. 2024 | NATURAMEDICIN

ALTERNATIVE TERM / The SCHOOL will focus on topics in history, western medicine, spirituality, esotericism, psychology, natural medicine and medicine. The goal is to provide participants with deeper insight into these areas and to assist them on their journey of personal development and self-discovery. The program will include a series of weekend lectures, seminars and workshops led by mystic Bohuslav Vetrovsky , eminent historians, physicians and experienced TCM lecturers. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that they will be able to use to improve the quality of their lives physically, mentally and spiritually. In 2024, two weekend cycles of SCHOOLS of mysticism, natural medicine, medicine and psychology will be held. Follow the EVENTS CALENDAR on our website, where we will regularly inform you about the planned events of Club NATURAMEDICIN and the SCHOOL OF MYSTICS, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY. . First cycle of lectures 23.11.-24.11.2024 Venue. PROGRAMME SATURDAY 23.11.2024 09:30 - 10:00 Presentation of participants 10:00 - 10:15 Bohuslav Větrovský / Introduction to the School of Mysticism 10:30 - 12:00 Bohuslav Větrovský / Energy around us, how to use energy at a distance. Forms of energy. 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 15:30 Kaya Pavlicek / Influence of clothes on our health and psychological well-being 15:30 - 15:45 Break 15:45 - 18:00 PhDr. Beran Jiří / Mysteries of the human psyche 18.00 - 19.30 Evening banquet 19.30 - 21.00 Guest Chair / Nekovář Frank - guest of the evening Topic - Saint Ludmila, the book "The Legend of Saint Ludmila", Saint Wenceslas and the history of the Czech lands. SUNDAY 24.11.2024 09:30 - 10:00 Presentation of participants 10:00 - 12:00 Větrovský Bohuslav / Numerology a little differently 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 15:30 Bohuslav Větrovský / Tarot 15:30 Discussion Registration and price SCHOOL OF MYSTICISM, NATURAL MEDICINE, MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY - members of Club NATURAMEDICIN / SENIOR MEMBER, have a discounted special price of 2 500,- CZK Price for the public 3 500,- CZK Price includes: two-day cycle of lectures, according to the announced program refreshments - water, coffee, tea and fruit during both days Saturday evening buffet / for our Club members already known specialties from a local Israeli restaurant / notepads, stationery study materials Lunches and accommodation are at everyone's own expense. Possibility to stay directly at Hotel Carol. Lunch can be purchased, also at a local restaurant or in the surrounding area. Nearby is the Galerie Harp shopping centre. Please register by 25 September 2024, using the registration form. We look forward to seeing you regularly at upcoming events of the SCHOOLS of Mysticism, Natural Medicine, Medicine and Psychology. We believe it will be an enriching and inspiring experience. Kind regards, Club NATURAMEDICIN team EARLY REGISTRATION WILL ENSURE YOUR PARTICIPATION. The number of places is limited. Please register by 20.11. 2024. Payment for Club NATURAMEDICIN/ Senior Member HERE Payment for registered customers, Junior Member and other interested parties in the form below:
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Kafka versus Freud | Pioneers of modern parapsychology through the eyes of Bohuslav Vetrovsky | NATURAMEDICIN

Kafka and Freud - a comparison of two giants of parapsychology and psychology. The seminar will focus on a comparison of the lives, works and contributions of two important figures who have fundamentally influenced the development of psychology and psychotherapy in the first half of the 20th century - Břetislav Kafka and Sigmund Freud. Bohuslav Větrovský, an expert on the life and work of Břetislav Kafka, will present the parallels and differences in the lives, opinions and works of these two giants. He will compare their approach to the human psyche, the subconscious, the unconscious, dreams and psychoanalysis. It will point out how Kafka was ahead of his time. There are many world greats of the time who shaped the views and perspectives of science on the human psyche. Freud, Kafka, Bechterev, Jung, Roerich and many other world greats studied the human mind. Now we will delve into the past together and try to gradually reintroduce these giants in our time. As the first greats we will invite Bretislav Kafka and Sigismund Shlomo Freud into our minds. The former was born in Červený Kostelec and the latter in the small town of Příbor. What to expect at the seminar: Seminar participants will gain a unique insight into the thought world of two pioneers of modern psychology. They will learn how their theories and methods have influenced contemporary psychotherapeutic practice and how their legacies are still alive and inspiring for today's generation of psychologists and therapists. We look forward to the next seminar in the pleasant surroundings in the Municipal Library Nové Město nad Metují Admission 100,- CZK / payment on the spot in cash
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