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Summer is fast approaching and most of us are thinking about how we will look on the beach. Losing weight in two months isn't easy, but it's not impossible either.

In this article, we will try to convince you to choose the better of the two strategies for weight loss - instead of radically cutting back on food and almost certainly reintroducing your old habits, you should instead adjust your lifestyle so that you are not only thinner, but also leaner, healthier and feel better overall in the long run.

After all, what's the point of looking good if you can't enjoy it?

Food and drink

As we all know, eating and drinking is the basis of what body weight we will be at during the summer. If we reduce our caloric intake below the level at which we maintain our body weight, we will go into a caloric deficit and gradually start to lose weight.

So how can we ensure that we consume fewer calories? It's best to start with the biggest problems, solve them, and then move on.

Drink especially water. Alcohol, and especially sodas and juices, contain a high number of calories. The main problem with drinking is that, unlike eating, you can drink a lot of calories and not even realize it. You are taking in mainly sugars, and in drinks that have often been developed to create an appetite for more.

As for alcohol, not only does it contain a high number of calories (depending on the specific drink), but it will also make you more likely to break your healthy habits and eat what you shouldn't.

Above all, try to adjust your meals according to your calorie intake. You don't necessarily have to eat less, but choose fruit instead of sweets, and increase your intake of protein, which is filling and low in calories.

Get into the habit of eating at specific times during the day, and don't eat outside of those times. This will avoid binge eating, which can increase your calorie intake without you noticing.

Choose healthier, less processed foods rather than trying to limit the amount you eat.

Combining these practices will not only help you achieve a calorie deficit, but will also make you feel much better.

Get your body moving

In addition to how many calories you take in, how many calories you use per day is also important for weight loss.

Any movement, sport, weight training uses energy and burns calories.

More important than what sport or exercise you choose is doing something you enjoy and can stick with. Consistency is important - most people can motivate themselves for one or two weeks, but real body change requires long-term changes in habits.

Choose a sport or activity you enjoy and stick with it. Calculate roughly how many calories you expend on it and add this information to your calorie intake to give you a total calorie deficit.

Combining strength and conditioning workouts is one of the best options to build a better body. Aesthetics are not only affected by body weight, but more importantly by body fat percentage. If you can maintain the same weight while losing fat and replacing it with muscle, you will look much better and feel healthy at the same time.

Sleep and healthy habits

Sleep and other healthy habits primarily have the effect on weight loss of allowing you to do what you need to do during the day to actually lose weight or body fat.

If you don't get enough sleep, your eating habits will deteriorate, you won't have the strength to resist high-calorie foods and drinks, you'll drink more coffee (often containing sugar) to wake up, and you'll have a drink before bed to fall asleep and finally get some sleep. This lifestyle is unsustainable and leads to a deterioration of all factors that affect overall health, including body weight.

The other habits you have also affect your eating and sports habits. Adjust your life so that you have the opportunity to do what you want for your body. You only have one, and if it's not healthy, the things that make you sleepy won't be as beneficial.

Good habits support each other. If you sleep well, your day will run according to plan, you'll eat when you say you will, you'll be able to resist alcohol, and you'll have the energy for sports and exercise.

All of this will lead to gradual weight loss. But what is more important is that you will have a healthier and happier life. That's what we all want - and if weight loss motivates you to do that, so much the better.

Food supplements

Our natural food supplement FUBAMEX will help you on your way to a smaller body weight.

FUBAMEX contains a unique combination of ingredients to help you lose weight:

FUBAMEX, like all our products, has been developed very precisely and thoughtfully - all the ingredients in it are dosed and combined so that when used correctly, FUBAMEX has the best and most long-lasting effect.


It's never too late to start changing your body for the better. But keep in mind that a one-off change is not enough for long-term improvement - you need to adjust your habits and change your lifestyle for the better.

It's not easy, but it's fun, and it makes you feel better.

Our company prides itself on helping everyone on the planet live healthier, fuller lives. We hope our articles help you do that. If you'd like to see more, you can find them here.

In the last article we explained what detoxification is and why we should start cleansing our bodies of harmful substances.

In this article, we will describe how to eat and drink to cleanse your body and which foods to avoid.

Food and detoxification

Most of us have an idea which foods are healthy for us and which ones will slow down the cleansing of our bodies.

But when we eat out frequently, we don't have a very good idea of what we're putting into our bodies.

The best way to make sure we eat healthy ingredients is to prepare our own meals. Another way is to prepare your menu ahead of time, which will give you perspective. When you see that you're going to eat at a fast food restaurant almost every day and drink a few drinks after work, you'll realize more quickly where you need to change your habits.

Limit overly processed foods. They contain more toxins and the body takes longer to digest and eliminate the toxins.

If you eat too much salt, limit that too - salt retains water in the body, which leads to slower elimination of toxins and congestion in the kidneys.

And of course, limit sugar too. Excessive sugar consumption leads to many diseases that will make it impossible for your body to cleanse fast enough.

Are there specific foods that have a proven detoxifying effect? Yes, but do not overdo it with them. Here are some such foods:


To cleanse the body, it is of course best to drink water, regularly and in sufficient quantities. Green tea is also a useful liquid for detoxifying the body.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is a problem in terms of detoxification because it slows down liver function. It takes time for our organs to process the alcohol and they don't have the energy for the rest of the functions.

In addition, when we drink too much alcohol, we introduce "empty" calories into our bodies, which we then have no desire to replenish with a healthy diet.

Plus, alcohol leads us to eat junk food - and to consume more alcohol 🙂

Food supplements

Since proper detoxification of the body is a long-term process, it is advisable to choose dietary supplements that also have a long-term effect.

In this case, it is best to choose natural dietary supplements. These will help you in cleansing your body and will not have unwanted side effects.

You can significantly help the detoxification of your body by consuming certain herbs:

Taraxacum officinale has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver. It contributes to the detoxification of the body by stimulating the excretory system.

Elymus repens contributes to the excretory functions of the kidneys, promoting detoxification mechanisms.

Tribulus terrestris helps purify the blood and maintain normal iron levels.

All 3 herbs mentioned above are contained in our natural dietary supplement INETHAN. In addition to these 3 herbs, INETHAN contains 5 other herbs.

So if you want a simple solution to cover all the herbs that will help your body cleanse itself of harmful substances, INETHAN is the only right choice. To learn more about INETHAN, watch the following video:


You probably won't change your eating habits overnight. That's not even the goal - you need to find a way to keep eating and drinking in the long term so that your body has time to cleanse itself.

Welcome to our first detox article! Let's first explain what we mean by detoxification.

By detoxification we mean cleansing of the body, which leads to the relief of the organs from toxic substances. This results in improved health.

Note: cleansing the body is done by eating and drinking healthier, following positive health habits and sleeping more. We will talk more about specific detoxification methods in future articles.

If you find that you are often tired, sleepy even though you had a good night's sleep the night before, and especially if you notice that you have problems with digestion, it is time to think about whether to start cleansing your body.

Detoxification takes place without having to think about it, of course. Otherwise, all the toxins we consume would constantly accumulate in our body - in which case we would not survive for long.

Our body is constantly cleansing our organism. The organs that are most responsible for cleansing the body are the liver, kidneys and intestines. If we help our body and give these organs less harmful substances to process, the overall functioning of the body will improve.

Anyway, nowadays there are few people who would not benefit from starting to cleanse their organism. Too much stress, insufficient sleep, unhealthy food and other factors of today's civilization affect most of us. So there is a good chance that you are one of those people who need to detoxify your body.

What are the benefits of detoxifying the body?

We have discussed what detoxification is (cleansing the body) and who needs it (almost everyone). Now we will summarize how such a body detoxification will help us live a better life.

First, cleansing your body will give you energy.

Your organs use your energy reserves. If you put less toxic substances into your body, they won't have to put as much energy into getting rid of those substances. This will free up more energy for other things - sports, work, your hobbies.

Next, you allow your organs to heal.

Your liver, kidneys and intestines will relax and not have to work so much. You'll reduce your risk of them getting sick - and of other organs getting sick, too. Toxic substances in the body, of course, have a negative effect on the whole body.

Detoxification then often leads to overall improved health habits, leading to a more enjoyable life. One of the things that helps with detoxification is sleep, another is sports and general exercise, which will improve your mood and keep your mind on a positive plane.

When to start?

Detoxification is a long process. There is also short-term detoxification, but people usually go back to their old habits and their old diets. Such a temporary solution does not make much sense in the long run.

It is much better to gradually improve your eating and other habits.

So start now. The advantage is that after a relatively short time you will start to feel much better. The exception is getting rid of substances you are addicted to (nicotine, alcohol, but also sugar) - in this case the pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal also plays a role.

Note: If you have several bad habits that pose a significant threat to your health, or if you suffer from a chronic disease related to the digestive/excretory tract, we recommend that you consult directly with your physician about the ideal form of detoxification for you.

Let's be honest, we all keep the idea in our heads that we could have a cleaner body. We know we should eat better, drink less alcohol, not smoke, sleep regularly and move around. Hopefully this article will help you get more motivated to start doing something about it.

Our natural food supplement INETHAN will also help you detoxify your body. This is a 180 capsule pack containing only natural ingredients. The herbs contained in INETHAN together provide support for detoxification of the body.

INETHAN is taken for 3 months. This is a long enough time to cleanse the body. To learn more about INETHAN, watch the following video:


In this article, we have described what detoxification of the body is and why to engage in it. In the next article, you'll learn how to adjust your diet to promote cleansing your body.

There are many factors that influence the occurrence of free radicals in the body. The amount of free radicals is increased by smoking, being in a polluted environment, drinking alcohol or taking excessive medication. An unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise also play an important role.

How can we reverse these processes? The magic lies in antioxidants and their influence.

What does the term antioxidants mean

Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals, thereby limiting their activity. Our body can produce them on its own, but in insufficient quantities. It is therefore important to obtain them from the diet.

Free radicals damage the structure and function of cells, tissues and organs. They also affect premature ageing, cause diabetes, vascular disease, immune system disorders and, last but not least, contribute to the development of dementia and cancer. Free radicals can alter the permeability of cell membranes and negatively affect many processes in the body.

Fortunately, antioxidants are great fighters and can correct most of what free radicals cause. Antioxidants are natural in origin and have the ability to prevent the unwanted effects of free radicals or destroy them completely.

What antioxidants can help us with

Antioxidants can inhibit the activity of free radicals, thus limiting the oxidation process. Oxidation causes a chemical reaction in the body that causes us to age, so this is a process we would prefer to avoid.

As we age, the amount of antioxidants decreases, thus reducing the protection of cells from free radicals. It is therefore important to take them regularly in the diet to support their fight against the negative impact of free radicals.

Antioxidants are also used in the food industry, you may come across them in some foods. Their function is to prolong shelf life and they can also prevent the rancidity of fats.

Antioxidants are divided into natural and synthetic, natural ones are mainly found in foods of plant origin and synthetic ones are artificially produced.

Where to look for natural antioxidants?

Everyone should include foods rich in antioxidants in their diet, especially in their natural form, as synthetic ones are less effective.

The most important antioxidants include vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, zinc, selenium, coenzyme Q10, phenols and some amino acids. These helpers protect the body from free radicals.

Now we will take a closer look at two of the most important antioxidants that should definitely not be missing from your diet.


Resveratrol is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, found in both white and blue grapes. Blue grapes have a higher content of this substance, and you can even find it in red wine.

Other foods where you can find resveratrol include berries, especially blueberries, as well as peanuts and plants native to the Far East, such as Japanese knotweed.

Resveratrol acts as a fountain of youth in the body. It can lower blood pressure, relieve allergic reactions, strengthen the immune system and also control body weight.

Vitamin C

We are all familiar with vitamin C, but not everyone knows that our bodies cannot make this vitamin on their own. Therefore, it is very important to supplement it in the form of food or supplements.

Vitamin C belongs to the category of vitamins that are soluble in water.  It can be found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries and kiwis. In vegetables, it is found abundantly in, for example, peppers, broccoli or spinach.

It is important to increase the amount of this vitamin during flu season or if we have problems with blood vessels.

Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, especially from plant foods, so it should be taken regularly by people who do not eat meat.

It strengthens immunity and speeds up wound healing. Its other effects include the formation of collagen and helps in the prevention of gout. Vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease to some extent.


Be sure to consume plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, 5 servings a day is recommended. The high content of antioxidants has a positive effect on our health, it is a kind of prevention against various diseases and, in addition, it can help us slow down the aging process.

Give preference to natural antioxidants, but if your diet is not balanced or you feel you are not eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables, include synthetic vitamins and supplements in your diet.

Stressful situations are a great burden on our bodies, and stress causes many civilisational diseases. Usually stress is triggered by a change, challenge or danger.

Stress can be combated, it is just important to know how.

The concept of stress

Stress is divided into short-term and long-term.  These are the physical and psychological reactions of the body. However, short-term stress can help us to improve our performance or achieve our goals. Our body can cope well with this stress. On the other hand, long-term stress has a bad impact on the human body. This kind of stress destroys our body far more than you can imagine.

Tips for stress management

We already know the concept of stress and its negative impact, now we will share with you tips on how to manage it.

1 -Healthy diet

Diet is the basis of disease prevention, our body needs enough vitamins to function. The best vitamin to fight stress is vitamin C. This is found in kiwi, rosehip, currants and or broccoli.

Magnesium is not to be missed either, it is found in whole grains, nuts or brown rice.

Many people ward off stress by overeating, especially with sweets. This will lift your mood, but only for a while, and then you will feel guilty about eating sweets and getting fat because of it.

The important thing is to eat slowly and savour every bite.

2 - Movement

Just set aside 30 minutes every day for some sporting activity and your body will be extremely grateful. You'll wonder where to find the time, but you no longer realize how many hours a day you spend on social media or surfing the internet. Instead of spending time online, try going for a run to clear your head and recharge your energy.

Being out in the fresh air in nature will recharge you incredibly, improve your immunity and make you feel much better. Try walking more or take a weekend trip somewhere out of town. Your body will then become much more resistant to stress.

3 - Sleep

Sleep is essential for the functioning of the body. Sleep is not an obligation, but a pleasure. Not many people get enough quality sleep these days, yet it is so important. Lack of sleep lowers immunity and our brain slows down. The recommendation is to sleep eight hours. What you may not have known is that if you don't sleep for one whole day, it's like drinking five beers on your body.

The older we get, the more important sleep becomes for our bodies. In addition, sleep deprivation is known to be one of the techniques in interrogating prisoners; it is a torture tool. Don't torture your body and give it as much sleep as it needs.

4 - Relaxation

Try meditation or yoga to learn to feel your breath and improve your concentration. Some people relax by reading a book, others by being outdoors. But if your stress levels are already high, a relaxation technique called autogenic training can help.

Autogenic training consists of two principles: relaxation and concentration. When you relax, you relax the muscles in your body, and the relaxed muscles induce mental calmness and put you at ease. With concentration, you will focus on concentration, you will perceive only your thoughts and nothing that is happening around you.

5 - Breathing

Proper breathing has a great impact on human health. Try a breathing exercise that focuses on breathing into the abdomen. In this breathing exercise, the abdomen and lower chest are lifted when you inhale. To begin, try counting in your mind, counting to five as you inhale, then hold your breath and count to five again as you exhale.  This exercise will help you focus on yourself and not on your surroundings, which can distract you.

It is recommended to practice breathing techniques for 5 to 10 minutes each day.


Stress is part of our lives, we encounter it whether we want to or not. It is up to each of us to find our own method of coping with stress.

Some people go for a run, others go for a bike ride, and for some it helps to be surrounded by friends.

Our dietary supplement INYANGA can help you get into a better mood and be in a mental balance.

At the outset, it is worth mentioning that how we treat our bodies and whether we eat and exercise healthily has a huge impact on the proper functioning of the body. Metabolism is influenced by a number of factors, such as a balanced intake and expenditure of calories or a sedentary lifestyle.

The concept of metabolism

The origin of the word metabolism comes from the Greek word metabolismos, which means change.

In the human body, metabolism refers to the metabolism and energy exchange where our body takes in and processes nutrients essential to its functioning. And, in fact, to our lives.

Metabolism in our body is divided into two parts - catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism breaks down the complex nutrients our body takes in into simpler substances. Anabolism, on the other hand, makes simpler substances into more complex mechanisms that are responsible for building muscle mass.

You've probably heard the term basal metabolism, which is the resting metabolism that takes care of the normal running of our body.

There is also the concept of hypermetabolism, which is an accelerated metabolism, which in most cases is related to increased thyroid function, fever and other diseases.

What affects our metabolism?

Tips to speed up metabolism

Now let's take a look at some tips on how to speed up the metabolism so that it works effectively, for example, when losing weight.

Increase protein intake

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, requiring 20-30% of its energy value for metabolism, the most of any nutrient. If we take in 100 calories from protein, we use about 70-80 calories. The rest is used up by the metabolism of the protein itself, which needs a large amount of energy to transfer it to our tissues, such as muscles and organs. Additional energy is used by our metabolism in the excretion of waste products when we consume large amounts of protein.

A sufficient supply of protein will feed not only you, but also your muscles, and as a bonus you will burn the most calories. A tempting thought, isn't it?

Let's not forget about carbohydrates either. These allow you to expend more energy in a short time.

Take plenty of fluids

Why drink more water to speed up your metabolism? Our body is largely made up of water, and we can't do without it. Inside our bodies, all biochemical processes take place and energy is obtained.

Mitochondria are part of all cells that produce energy for our body. When we are sufficiently hydrated, our mitochondria work a little better than when we are thirsty.

Drink green tea and coffee

Green tea and coffee are both beverages that contain antioxidants and other biologically active substances and are beneficial to our health. Both coffee and tea contain caffeine, and it is a natural fat burner, sounds great. When you have a cup of coffee or tea, adrenaline is flushed out, which positively affects the use of fat as an energy source.

However, beware of the amount of caffeine and don't overdo it. Stick to around 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is equivalent to 3-4 cups of espresso or 6-7 cups of tea. If you overdo it, you'll get a headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, irritability and palpitations. So in this case, less is more.

Get enough sleep

What does enough sleep mean? If you sleep less than 6 hours, that's a problem. For most of the population, the ideal sleep duration is between 7 and 9 hours per day. We should also pay attention to the quality of sleep. Lack of sleep increases appetite, however, it causes less satiety, lowers testosterone levels and increases stress hormones. And that's not all, sleep deprivation can lead to slow weight gain.

Focus on a regular diet

Don't forget your morning snack, preferably 2 to 3 hours after breakfast.

Have a snack in the afternoon too, it will keep you full and you won't overeat during your main meal and it will also prevent your metabolism from falling asleep. This practice will give you energy and you will burn efficiently throughout the day.

Your metabolism doesn't speed up overnight, it's a gradual process. If you eat right, incorporate plenty of exercise and fluids into your day, then it will definitely happen.

Our FUBAMEX will help you kick-start your metabolism. Its unique composition of herbs acts gradually, and the packaging is adapted to this, which contains 180 capsules, which is exactly enough for a 3-month cure.

Regeneration means repairing damaged tissues, organs or limbs. It all depends directly on the health of the individual, whether he or she eats properly, plays sports and gets enough rest. An important role in regeneration after illness, for example, is the correct supply of vitamins and nutrients.

Regeneration or repair of the organism

Repairing as well as replacing lost tissues, organs or limbs is the responsibility of regeneration. In plants it is the meristems (dividing tissue) that are responsible for regeneration, in animals it is the cells that divide.

Recovery after surgery or after a demanding sporting event plays an important role. Our body tries to return to its original state or to improve the current state. It is a natural effort of the body to get back to a functional state. In this process, it is important to replenish biological substances with a high absorption rate.

Detoxification of the organism is also closely related to regeneration. The basis is the renewal of cells and tissues, for this our body needs the right nutrients. It will use these for growth and repair, and the rest that it does not use, it will simply eliminate.

Regeneration speed

In each organism, regeneration takes place over a different period of time. The speed depends on health, availability of food and drink, physical and mental stamina and the possibility of rest. If you are recovering from injury or illness, provide your body with sufficient vitamins and nutrients to restore bodily functions.

Another aspect that affects the speed of recovery is how our body uses resources and how it engages them in the whole recovery process.

The importance of regeneration

Regeneration is an important part of the life of an active individual. If you play sports regularly, you know that with rest and proper diet, your performance will continuously improve. You'll be able to run longer, do more reps in strength training and reduce your risk of injury.

An essential part of regeneration is mental as well as physical calm. It is necessary to listen to your body well, it will tell you in time when it lacks something and when it needs rest.

As already mentioned, sleep directly affects the recovery process. Our muscles heal and grow when we sleep well. If we haven't had quality sleep, we will be irritable and often stress will add to that.

Don't forget to drink, it's the only way to prevent fatigue, dizziness or pain.

What affects regeneration?

What we don't affect is our genetic information and also irreversible changes in the body, which is a missing organ or destroyed tissue. However, there are factors that we can influence ourselves.

In our body, the activity of different organs and tissues alternates. Our autonomic nervous system, i.e., the one that we do not control by will, switches between activity and passivity. That is, between activity and rest.

Professionally, this is called sympathetic and parasympathetic. For the proper functioning of the body, these two parts need to complement each other. One part works for a while and then the other. These processes are encoded in our DNA. The body tries to ensure that organs, neural and hormonal pathways, biochemical processes and emotional reactions are used equally. This balance ensures maximum use of available energy to repair, grow and develop our bodies.

It sounds nice, but it doesn't always work that way. We live in a world where we are influenced by many stimuli to which we react consciously or unconsciously.

Surely you know the concept of stress, it is caused by external change and our body copes with it by changing life conditions, even positive ones. This belongs to the sympathetic part of our nervous system.

The parasympathetic part of the nervous system allows our body to relax and activates activities that lead to the replenishment of building material and energy. The time we spend in both modes will then affect our regenerative capacity.

Principles of proper regeneration

Regeneration in our body is ongoing, even without our intervention. Now we will look at tips on how we can speed up the regeneration process.

Quality sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for recovery and stress reduction. Athletes are well aware that after exercise it is important to choose appropriate recovery such as a sauna, massage or stretching. However, sleep is still the most effective recovery process. It is recommended to sleep for 6 to 8 hours, during this time the body will strengthen and rest.

Healthy lifestyle

To boost immunity, mental and physical regeneration, a healthy diet is the best thing you can give your body. A healthy lifestyle is based on a balanced diet, quality sleep and sufficient drinking.

Include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in your diet and don't forget probiotics and fibre. All these ingredients can be found in a varied diet.

Enough exercise

Exercise is the foundation of our health. You don't have to buy a gym membership right away, you just need to change a few things. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the bus earlier if you take the bus to work, or find short exercises on the internet to practice every day.

You're sure to find the right activity that you enjoy, and every extra movement will contribute to your overall health. This will contribute to your life expectancy, resistance to disease, physique and weight.

Suitable foods for our body

What plants help to improve recovery?


This plant contains over 100 biologically active substances such as proteins, amino acids, vitamins, nucleic acids, a huge spectrum of minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and more. Did you know that 1g of quality spirulina has as many nutrients as 1kg of vegetables?

Green barley

It is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. Its alkaline pH helps to restore the acid-alkaline balance.


Contains 80-90% unsaturated fatty acids, which are made up of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Omega 3, 6 and 9 acids are found in the seed in optimal proportions. The immune system is further influenced by the anti-estrogenic properties of the phytoestrogen lignin. Lignins can act on processes in the body that lead to cancer, especially those that are hormone dependent.

Goji berry

This plant belongs to traditional Chinese medicine. It contains a large amount of beta-carotene, vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, E, essential amino acids, trace elements, which include zinc, selenium, iron, calcium and others. Goji takes its name from the unique group of Lycium polysaccharides that strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process. In China, goji berry is considered an aphrodisiac that increases sex hormone levels in men.

Now you already know the options to keep yourself fit and your body in good condition. A healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep and diet are important.

We have developed the SHAYA supplement especially for women. We have not forgotten about men either, we offer DELWEX.

All herbs have a gradual effect, so our supplement packs are designed as a 3 month cure... In the pack you will find 180 capsules for a gradual effect.

An interview with the founder of NATURAMEDICIN SE, Bohuslav Větrovský, was published in the issue of Zdraví a péče o tělo i duši on 10.11.2021.

You can find the interview here: Interview - ZDRAVÍ_ 10112021

Apoptosis is one of the main forms of programmed cell death. This description may sound scary, but in many cases apoptosis can be seen as a positive process. In fact, the human body uses the process of apoptosis throughout its development.

​​Do you know how fingers are formed? Apoptosis, where the cells between the future fingers die apoptotically. Also, variously damaged cells die apoptotically by their own choice or by the immune system.

In this article, we describe the difference between apoptosis, which is an important biological phenomenon, and necrosis.

Apoptosis and necrosis

Apoptosis comes from the Greek word apoptosis, which means falling. It is a programmed cell death. The process of apoptosis serves to remove unnecessary or damaged cells and can be caused, for example, by injury.

Thanks to new research findings, scientists have noticed that cell death is part of the normal development of animal embryos. Thus, apoptosis is a part of life that regulates the type and number of cells during and after development.

In necrosis, cells die as a result of some damage and usually increase in volume. This is passive cell death.

In contrast, they shrink during apoptosis. During apoptosis, the dead cell debris is absorbed by the surrounding cells and no damage to the surrounding tissue occurs.

The fact that "natural" cell death is an active process controlled by the cell itself has been neglected for many years. It was not until the 1970s that the investigation of cell death based on morphological features began.

What is apoptosis for?

An important function of programmed cell death is to provide a balance between cell death and cell division, as cells eventually wear out or stop functioning properly. This balance ensures that internal homeostasis is maintained, allowing each living organism to keep its internal environment within its norms.

Another important function of apoptosis is the destruction of damaged cells infected by a virus or if they are insufficiently nourished.

Apoptosis is also often used in injection or freeze lipolysis, where programmed cell death of fat cells occurs. These cells are expelled through the lymphatic system, resulting in weight loss in the treated area.

Process of programmed cell death

The process of apoptosis is triggered either externally or internally. The internal pathway is associated with mitochondrial damage, in which the cell actually gives up the idea of saving itself. Mitochondria take care of the necessary biochemical functioning and the progress of cellular respiration.

Apoptosis is divided into three phases: it starts with cell damage, stress or a change in hormone levels, followed by regulatory genes that trigger repair mechanisms or caspase proteases, and the last phase is cell death.

Mitochondria provide the energy metabolism of the cell, but when damaged they lose their potential and the membrane becomes permeable. This initiates the first stage of the apoptotic process, followed by other irreversible parts, at the end of which the cell dies.

The external pathway begins with stimulation of specific receptors on the cell. This pathway is triggered when cells are attacked by a viral infection.

Research highlights

Life expectancy is affected by the ability to renew old and damaged cells. Research has changed the view of the role of mitochondria, which were thought to be organelles without which life would hardly be possible. Further research has revealed that mitochondria are actively involved in cell death.

Many scientists have tried to influence apoptosis with the help of drugs. The idea that controlled apoptosis will maintain the number of functional cells at the level of young age looks interesting, but unfortunately it has not yet been achieved.

Some drugs used in cancer treatment have some potential to prevent tumour growth. However, this research is only at the beginning and still has many trials to go.


We don't have to worry about apoptosis at all, it's a natural part of the individual. If a cell's DNA is damaged and cannot be repaired, it will undergo self-destruction.

It turns out that in the realm of multicellular organisms, death is absolutely necessary for life.

Apoptosis plays a key role in the development of the organism as it removes old, unnecessary and unhealthy cells. Research into cell death has yielded many discoveries and more are surely on the way...

Many of us cannot imagine how the body can regenerate and get rid of health problems. The fact remains that our body is so smart that it has everything pre-programmed and uses its healing powers. It is up to us to create the right internal environment for the healing powers of the body to work.

This article will introduce you to the nature of healing powers and the laws of regeneration according to which our body works. Please note that we are all different and our body works and regenerates differently.

Homeostasis is greatly influenced by sport, which can throw off the stability of the internal environment. Therefore, it is important to replenish lost vitamins and minerals after sports so that the body can find its balance again.

Functioning of individual cells

The nucleus of every cell carries genetic information that determines its proper functioning. This process tells each cell how to behave in the situations it finds itself in during its lifetime.

If a cell is attacked by a virus, a hormone binds to its receptors and tells it what to do. Same thing if the cell is about to divide or destroy itself. Hormones act as messengers to instruct organs to defend themselves.

Our genetic program has built into it the ideal functioning of the cell, including responses to external stimuli.

The concept of homeostasis

The law of homeostasis plays such a crucial role in the regeneration of the body. The law of homeostasis in the organism works at the level of individual cells as well as at the level of organs and the whole organism.

The organism of all of us carries a different number of regulatory mechanisms. Their concern is that the organism always adapts to the conditions we put it in. In spite of changing conditions, the internal environment of our organism maintains an unchanging form and condition to preserve the beneficial activity of the cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism.

Biochemical environment of the organism

The balance between acids and bases in the body is technically called acid-base balance. It ensures that body fluids, especially blood, are chemically neutral. This means that they are not too acidic or alkaline. It is important to maintain the right amount of ions, especially sodium, potassium and calcium, in the cells and in the intercellular environment. Mitochondria need a stable environment in terms of acidity or alkalinity to function properly; this is determined by pH.

Did you know that we have about 3500 types of enzymes in our body? These affect most reactions in the body, such as the transfer of oxygen through the blood or detoxification of the liver. Enzymes are very sensitive to temperature and temperatures above 42 degrees Celsius are dangerous for humans. At this temperature, enzymes are destroyed and humans die when they reach this temperature.

How to observe the manifestations of homeostasis

The most famous example of homeostasis is the manifestation of sweating. In hot environments, for example on holiday in warm countries, we start to sweat. By sweating, our body tries to cool down and achieve a constant body temperature. If our body did not regulate our body temperature, our body temperature would adjust to our surroundings. Imagine being in the desert where it could be 45 degrees Celsius and our body would adjust to the ambient temperature, that's a horrible thought. Fortunately, homeostasis works and keeps the body temperature at 36.7 degrees, we just sweat more in the heat.

The next manifestation of homeostasis also concerns temperature, but this time we move from warm landscapes to freezing. I'm sure you've all experienced this before, when you're cold and start shivering, this is our body's way of trying to produce more heat and maintain a steady temperature. This too is homeostasis in practice.

How is it possible that at night, when we are not eating and sleeping, our body is working, we are still breathing, our heart is beating and our body temperature is stable? This too is a regulatory mechanism, i.e. homeostasis, which ensures constant conditions.

Biological homeostasis

Homeostasis is not just for individuals, but applies to the whole community. In this case, we are not talking about biological homeostasis, but ecological homeostasis. This is characterised by a balance between the ecosystem and climate change, with strategies changing according to external conditions.

Interesting is the Gaia hypothesis of British chemist and ecologist James Lovelock, according to which the planet is a superorganism that maintains stable conditions for life through homeostasis. As an example, he cites the rate of absorption of solar radiation to maintain a stable temperature.

Biological homeostasis can also be illustrated by water reservoirs such as ponds or dams. If there is a drought, the water level drops to a minimum, so all life in the water dies. Their chances of survival are eliminated as the water level drops.


If we keep our body in shape and follow a healthy lifestyle, then our body is able to resist diseases, regenerate properly and stress is not a problem for us. However, this ability decreases if we are seriously ill. You may not have heard the term homeostasis, but it is important to know it and how it works. It is an important process for managing an individual's regeneration.

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