EQINIL is a natural nutritional supplement. Taken over a long period of time, it significantly helps to strengthen the immune system by supporting the activity of the liver and small intestine, which produce lymph.
Our natural supplement EQINIL supports and protects our beneficial symbiotic bacteria. This supports the processes that create a shield in our body against viruses, bacteria and fungi.
EQINIL contains an extract of the most powerful adaptogen, the Chinese caterpillar. It contains the peptides cordycepsin and cordyceps acid. They significantly improve liver function and have anti-cancer and anti-microbial effects. Cordiceps also contains histidine. Minerals include iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. Histidine has begun to be given to patients with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. It can bind heavy metals. This means that it also has a detoxifying effect. Histidine not only binds heavy metals and processes minerals and trace elements in our bodies, but also protects our bodies from dangerous radioactive radiation. Histidine deficiency is most commonly associated with growth problems in children and rheumatoid arthritis in adults.
Most people today do not give their immune system enough support, on the contrary, they make it harder for it to work - they eat unhealthy foods, smoke, drink, live in toxic environments...
EQINIL will help you build a stronger immunity to protect you from the consequences of encounters with parasitic organisms.
EQINIL is a comprehensive dietary supplement that strengthens the immune system and supports overall health. It is suitable for both men and women and can be combined with other products to achieve specific health goals.
It contains 6 high quality extracts of medicinal herbs, used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda.
An extract of glossy cordgrass that contains fungal polysaccharides and beta-glucans and approximately 200 other biologically active substances that support natural defences. The Methodist Research Institute, Cancer Research Laboratory, Indianapolis, reports that the mushroom has demonstrated anticancer activity in cancer cell experiments and has potential as a dietary supplement in the alternative treatment of breast and prostate cancer.
Thank you Naturamedicine! A miracle is happening to me, after 20 years of immunology treatment, I finally did not hear any other new diagnoses from the doctor/immunologist, but the opposite. All my allergies "disappeared", THANK YOU!!! I had severe allergies to grasses, pollen, dust mites, cats, food allergies, in the emergency room at any moment, impending asthma, etc. I tried Naturamedicine, as another of my "experiments". I was impressed that it is a pure herbal product that I can take alongside medication. I used Inethan, then Eqinil, now I ordered Shaya. Inethan already helped me to better health, during that period I was on immunology for tests, now I take Equinil, THANK YOU! I will continue with the whole board. Since I am being monitored by a doctor, I myself am curious about further checks and results. We will be able to give feedback even in a few months.
I wish many satisfied customers. Thanks to you, I no longer take my medication.
I bought a pack of Eqinil, I had long term problems with inflammation in my shoulders. I feel a significant improvement, so I decided to buy another one. Petr V. Brno
I have experience with supplements Inethan, Eqinil, Shaya. I am very satisfied, my skin, nails and especially my hair have improved. Overall, I feel more energy.
I would like to share my positive experience with taking NATURAMEDICIN supplements. For a long time I was looking for suitable herbal supplements that would have noticeable effects on my health.
After INETHAN for the last months I have been using a combination of EQINIL and DELWEX, EQINIL 1x in the morning, DELWEX 1x in the evening before meals. At first I had a bit of phlegm in my throat, after about a month of taking the supplements the phlegm subsided. Now I feel more fresh and I resist colds better than before.
I can truly recommend it.
Ing. Pavel Krůta
EQINIL is the second supplement in the TREE OF LIFE range after INETHAN. EQINIL is a natural, biologically active supplement that helps to boost immunity. It contains 6 high quality extracts from medicinal herbs used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurveda.
"EQINIL" in the language of the Zulu tribe means STRONG.
From the natural elements and the elements it belongs to FIRE and from the senses to VISION, from the factors to GENETICS.
ELEMENTAL FORCES are the basic building blocks of the world around us. These include FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER. These elements are universal, and their balance is crucial for harmonious coexistence with nature. Fire symbolizes energy and transformation, Earth is stability and nourishment, Metal is structure and precision, and Water is flexibility and purification.
Our SENSES – SIGHT, SMELL, TOUCH, TASTE, and HEARING – accompany us from birth, allowing us to perceive the world around us. They are tools through which we learn as we grow and shape our personalities. The senses not only help us to survive, but also enrich our lives with countless experiences and sensations.
FACTORS that currently have a significant effect on our health are DIET, MENTAL STATE, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY, and GENETICS. These factors are key to maintaining balance in our body and mind. The right combination of these factors can lead to better health and greater resistance to external influences.
ELEMENTS – according to Chinese medicine, these include WOOD, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, and METAL. These elements represent cyclical processes and
interactions that affect our physical and mental well-being. Each of these elements has its own specific properties that contribute to the overall harmony of body and mind.
We have named this system of four directions the “TREE OF LIFE”. It’s a concept that integrates ancient wisdom with modern knowledge and offers a holistic approach to understanding and enhancing our health. As people begin to settle on Mars and other planets, new influences affecting human health will be defined. The TREE OF LIFE provides a framework for facing and overcoming these challenges. We believe that understanding and integrating these four directions into our daily lives can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the achievement of lasting balance and vitality.