The modern world places great demands on women. The constant struggle to juggle work and family responsibilities, without neglecting one's own needs, creates considerable stress that affects both physical and mental health. This long-term pressure often leads to exhaustion, loss of vitality and imbalance throughout the body.
This is why we have developed SHAYA, a natural dietary supplement specifically designed to meet the needs of women.
SHAYA's unique formula is designed to help women cope with stressful situations, regenerate female organs and achieve hormonal balance. It also helps to alleviate unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flushes, mood swings and loss of energy.
With SHAYA, you can rediscover the vitality and harmony your body needs. Thanks to the natural ingredients in sr, you can regain your energy, strengthen your defences and feel stronger, healthier and naturally happier.
Don't limit yourself. Live life to the full - with SHAYA you can meet the challenges of today's world. SHAYA - for women who take care of themselves.
SHAYA is a natural support for hormonal balance and women's health. Optimize your hormonal system with SHAYA natural supplement. Maintain your vitality and well-being every day!
contains 13 high quality extracts and medicinal herbs, used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda. Find out what beneficial effects each of them will bring you:
I have experience with supplements Inethan, Eqinil, Shaya. I am very satisfied, my skin, nails and especially my hair have improved. Overall, I feel more energy.
My wife and I started using Delvex and Shaya supplements, and after only two weeks, I felt that my body was gradually beginning to move from degeneration to regeneration. The stress subsided and the wife even began to have sexual dreams. Although I didn't perform in them, we will definitely fine-tune it. Maybe she just didn't read the instructions properly... 🙂 So definitely thumbs up, Mr. Větrovský! Kamil and Martina Miket
SHAYA is the third supplement of the TREE OF LIFE diet. SHAYA is a natural, biologically active, dietary supplement designed for women. It contains 13 high quality extracts of medicinal herbs used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda.
"SHAYA" in Zulu language means WOMAN.
From the natural elements and the elements it belongs to EARTH and from the senses to TOUCH, from the factors to MENTAL STATE.
ELEMENTAL FORCES are the basic building blocks of the world around us. These include FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER. These elements are universal, and their balance is crucial for harmonious coexistence with nature. Fire symbolizes energy and transformation, Earth is stability and nourishment, Metal is structure and precision, and Water is flexibility and purification.
Our SENSES – SIGHT, SMELL, TOUCH, TASTE, and HEARING – accompany us from birth, allowing us to perceive the world around us. They are tools through which we learn as we grow and shape our personalities. The senses not only help us to survive, but also enrich our lives with countless experiences and sensations.
FACTORS that currently have a significant effect on our health are DIET, MENTAL STATE, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY, and GENETICS. These factors are key to maintaining balance in our body and mind. The right combination of these factors can lead to better health and greater resistance to external influences.
ELEMENTS – according to Chinese medicine, these include WOOD, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, and METAL. These elements represent cyclical processes and
interactions that affect our physical and mental well-being. Each of these elements has its own specific properties that contribute to the overall harmony of body and mind.
We have named this system of four directions the “TREE OF LIFE”. It’s a concept that integrates ancient wisdom with modern knowledge and offers a holistic approach to understanding and enhancing our health. As people begin to settle on Mars and other planets, new influences affecting human health will be defined. The TREE OF LIFE provides a framework for facing and overcoming these challenges. We believe that understanding and integrating these four directions into our daily lives can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the achievement of lasting balance and vitality.