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Transcend the Real | Find out how parapsychology is changing the way you see the world!

Event date: 23 January, 2024
Time: 17 hours
Venue: Cafe Art, Opletalova 1418, Praha 1

Often shrouded in mystery, parapsychology opens the door to a world of unexplained phenomena and extraordinary abilities. The mystic Bohuslav Vetrovsky, a respected expert and follower of the work of Bretislav Kafka, brings us light into these mysterious areas. He is not just a theorist; he is not afraid to experiment and look for evidence of the existence of paranormal phenomena.

Bohuslav Vetrovsky, in the spirit of Břetislav Kafka, not only preserves and extends the legacy of this legendary healer and parapsychologist, but also actively contributes to the development of parapsychology as a scientific field. Kafka, who became well-known for his skills in healing, telepathy and clairvoyance, is a constant inspiration for Vetrovsky.

Therefore, Bohuslav Vetrovsky's lectures are always an anticipated event that promises not only the presentation of new knowledge, but also an engaging experience. With him, parapsychology becomes a living science, accessible and understandable to the general public.

Invite a little mystery into your life and come together with us to delve into the fascinating world of parapsychology. With Bohuslav Vetrovsky on board, it will be a journey full of friendly atmosphere, new discoveries and enlightenment that will enrich your perception of the hidden dimensions of our existence.


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